The word “vitality” comes from the Latin, vitalitatem, meaning “life force,” as well as simply “life.” Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine work by engaging a person’s inherent life force (also called qi) and stimulating it so that it can flow and function in greater harmony within the body and in relation to the world around us.
I view nature as a living and self-regulating phenomenon; similarly, I believe that each person possesses the power to restore healthy function and form, circulation and cognition. Just as in nature, our inherent capacity to restore and regenerate has been degraded by extreme, unnatural, and unreasonable demands made of us. In my life and my medical practice, I am compelled to intervene in defense of the ecosystems of the body and the planet.
I know that societal, environmental, and historical injustices cause many (perhaps most) illnesses and can inhibit healing. That awareness enhances my sensitivity to and compassion for people’s struggles, and informs my treatment plans such that they are sustainable, accessible, and on a manageable timeline, with supportive follow-up care.
I see my role in our therapeutic work together as one of educator and catalyst, where I offer minimal, precise interventions that can restore flow and harmony in a way that jump-starts the body’s inherent intelligence and self-healing capacity. I am humbled in the face of this power we have to heal ourselves, and am honored to catalyze and witness its revitalization.
In addition to the therapeutic modalities that I practice, I love hearing your thoughts and sharing what I’ve learned about health, recovery, the body-mind, rehabilitation, East Asian medical science and philosophy, nutrition, exercise, and diverse ways to increase your vitality and help you thrive.