I practice classical Chinese acupuncture and herbal medicine, which place special emphasis on harmonizing the systems of the body, not only with each other but also with the rhythms of nature. By restoring smooth and even circulation, breath, and movement, my highly-individualized acupuncture treatments and customized herbal formulas can enable your body to re-activate its inherent healing abilities. In this way, your natural cycles of sleep, digestion, hormonal and reproductive function can realign with those of the natural world. I am passionate about and skilled at assisting you with a wide variety of conditions, such as sleep problems, headaches, injury recovery, pain, menstrual or menopausal difficulties, digestive problems, trauma, addiction, auto-immune disorders, recurrent allergies, frequent colds or flu, and much more.
Underlying my dedication to helping you resolve your symptoms quickly is a constant focus on the big picture, as symptoms are typically a message about a deeper imbalance that I can help address.
I love to identify these imbalances and strategize with you about effective and sustainable ways of harmonizing them in ways that will help you to align with your true nature.
My family has been in New Orleans for many generations, until my mother’s. Born and raised in Baton Rouge, I’ve lived in New Orleans off and on since the early nineties, and I’m grateful to be able to return to my deep roots here and offer my services.
Among my greatest joys are international travel; practicing yoga; dancing in the streets or a salsa club; making and taking plant medicines; reading and writing; being in or on the water; watching the antics of birds; gardening; qigong; playing music; and watching the Mississippi River roll by.
To book an appointment with me, please go to:
https://www.schedulicity.com/scheduling/VNHXX5 or text/call (504) 810-5692.